Great to see this pairing of @bethbollinger and @brainhealthkitchen; advice here will make not just your brain happy- let leafy greens, vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and extra-virgin olive oil be part of every day focus.

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Great takeaway Ellen!

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Super information….thank you!

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Thanks Catherine!

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Love this collaboration!

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Thanks Jake. It was great for me to learn about how Beth is creating wellness in her community.

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Can you identify what is a processed dairy food? Yogurt? Parma Cheese? Non fat lactose milk ok? I'm trying to stay on top of everything but it is starting to become overwhelming.

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The types of dairy I take care to avoid are the ones with added sugars, gums, oils, chemicals and other additives. I consider gogurt, fair life products, sugared yogurt drinks and the like highly processed dairy. Full fat, organic dairy, that has been minimally processed like cheeses, and plain yogurt can have a place in a healthy diet and are good sources of healthy fat, calcium, and probiotics.

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I totally agree. I favor fermented dairy products like whole, unsweetened and unflavored yogurt and cottage cheese, cheeses that are naturally low in fat (feta, parmesan, pecorino). I occasionally cook with high quality grass fed butter but am using oliveoil 99% of the time. I do not eat cream cheese, flavored milks, coffee creamer products, spreadable cheese in a jar (think queso dip), mayo, powdered cheese products (like in boxed mac and cheese), margarine or spreadable butter-like products, custards, puddings, and cottage cheese or yogurt products that have added sugars, binders, and artificial ingredients. And, I'm sorry to say, most frozen desserts like cheesecake, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc.

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Can you explain why you favor whole yogurt over low-fat or nonfat, since they contain minimal saturated fat. Thanks!

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Personal preference mostly. My diet is overall very low in saturated fat and my cholesterol is at target levels, so it provides a small and not unhealthy amount of fat to my diet. Low and nonfat option are recommended for anyone wishing to lower LDL cholesterol or ApoB.

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Your work sounds very interesting but I can’t see how much a paid subscription costs

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Hi Ros! Dr. Fenn has kindly offered a coupon for anyone wanting to subscribe to Brain Health Kitchen: https://brainhealthkitchen.substack.com/NEST25

I have decided to do the same, and this is a coupon for my newsletter, Nest Wellness: https://nestwellness.substack.com/BRAIN25

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Thank you for sharing this. Great advice and tips!

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I really love this. The information is out there; it's amazing to me that people still continue to eat so much processed foods. I'm not a purist, but 90% unprocessed is easily attainable with modifications. I actually find accessing minimally processed meats the most difficult so I've cut most of it out. Looking forward to subscribing to you both!

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Thanks Tim! I agree, once we are able to mostly eliminate these foods from the diet, there's no missing them and no going back.

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Annie. On another subject there is a lot written now about the dangers of drinking alcohol and the brain. Is an occasional glass of wine all that bad?

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Hi Emily. The most comprehensive study was the UK Biobank 2021 examination of over 36,000 MRIs to see how much alcohol accelerated brain shrinkage over time. Moderate drinking (1 a day for women, 2 for men) led to more brain volume reduction than Light drinking (1 to 4 a week), and nondrinkers fared the best. This leaves plenty of room for the occasional glass of wine which I also sometimes enjoy.

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Thanks Annie

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I really loved reading this interview! Such a fun change up from podcasts which I usually listen to. Curious to know what you eat when you travel? I try to pick up healthy options at the store, but sometimes a restaurant is great when there is only packaged options available.

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Thanks Grace! I eat very lightly when I travel and I'll often fast on overnight flights. I always try to bring my own food, simple things like nuts, chocolate, bars, tea bags, etc. I go into my travel eating routine in this post, if that's helpful! https://brainhealthkitchen.substack.com/p/10-brain-healthy-travel-snacks-worth

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Great interview!

Annie, I’ve been wanting to ask if you’re still living your nut milk maker. Seems like you do!!

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Yes, I really do!

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